Thursday, April 26, 2007

PHPSimpl 0.8.0 RC1 Released

PHPSimpl 0.8.0 is feature complete and is posted on Google Code. The release candidate will be up for about a week and we will not be adding any more features or API changes. We are only concerted with bug fixed and security issues. Please download it if you are interested in giving it a try and let us know what you think. The final will be out in about a week and we are hoping to have a more feature complete example in it.

The Links
Please submit any bugs to the Issue List.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

PHPSimpl 0.8.0 Beta 1 Released

The first beta PHPSimpl has been released to the public. You may be wondering why we decided to start at 0.8, well we have put together a Version History in the wiki and also a short Road Map. We have been using some form of a DbTemplate at WSU for a while now it just has not been public. Over the past two years it has continued to grow and strengthen. After submitting it to google code initially we knew it still needed some work and we took on the challenge of creating a solid framework that could be easily implemented and rapidly create applications with minimal configuration.

The Links
Remember this is just a beta, there is still some polishing to do. Although it is working this is still considered Beta software. Please submit any bugs to the Issue List.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The MultiForm() function is here. It allows an entire form or just one form field to be displayed with the [] brackets on the end of the input name. This allows the form to have multiple copies of the same fields in the same form without anything getting overwritten or any additional setup.

Here is how it is used:
// Create the Address
$myAddress = new Address;

// Get a list of all their addresses
$myAddress->SetValue('customer_id', $myCustomer->GetPrimary());

// Display all their current addresses
if (count($myAddress->results) > 0){
foreach($myAddress->results as $address){
Here is the output:

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A More Centered API

Its been a while but we have been working hard on an API that is going to withstand the test of time. This will make Simpl more expendable and not require as many application code level changes in the future.

These function have been added to the Form() Class:
SetDisplay($fields) -> Boolean
SetHidden($fields) -> Boolean
SetOmit($fields) -> Boolean
SetOptions($options) -> Boolean
SetConfig($config) -> Boolean
They can make the DbTemplate and Form classes a lot easier to work with. Here is an example of how to declare a class with these new functions:
class RSVP extends DbTemplate {
* Class Constuctor
* @param $data array
* @return null
function __construct($data=''){
// Setup the required fields
$required = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'phone', 'is_attending');
// Setup their labels
$labels = array('first_name' => 'First Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'email' => 'E-Mail', 'is_attending' => 'Attending');
// Setup the examples
$examples = array('email' => '');

// Call the Parent Constructor
$this->DbTemplate($data, $required, $labels, $examples, 'rsvp', '', 'my_database');

// Set the Display
$display = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'phone', 'is_attending');

// Add a validation Type
$this->Set('validate','homepage', 'url');

// Set the defaults
$defaults = array('is_attending' => 1);

// Set the Options
$options = array('is_attending' => array('1' => 'Yes', '0' => 'No'));

// Set the Config
$config = array('is_attending'=>'radio');
Now the display and the config information follow the class where ever it is used. Also the default values can be used to set up the form before the user enters any information.

Example of this being used on the page:
// Create an RSVP Instance
$myRSVP = new RSVP;

// Display the form
echo '<form>';
echo '<input name="submit" value="Save" type="submit">';
echo '</form>';