Originally adopted from Joseph Crawford but implemented completely in Simpl. Josephs was great except it seemed to be connected to a larger whole. The bits and pieces were there for the session but they just needed to be combined with a framework. Below is a fully featured example working and usable.
- PHPSimpl
- MySQL Database Connection
- "session" Table
CREATE TABLE `session` (
`ses_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`last_access` int(12) unsigned NOT NULL,
`ses_start` int(12) unsigned NOT NULL,
`ses_value` text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`ses_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Used to store the sessions data';
- Download and copy Simpl to the web server.
- Define some base items
// Directories
// Always Include trailing slash "/" in Direcories
define('DIR_ABS', '/usr/local/www/');
define('FS_SIMPL', DIR_ABS . 'simpl/');
define('FS_CACHE', DIR_ABS . 'cache/');
// Enable Database Sessions
define('DB_SESSIONS', true);
// Database Connection Options
define('DB_USER', 'username');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_PASS', 'password');
define('DB_DEFAULT', 'site_data'); - Include the framework
// Simpl Framework
include_once(FS_SIMPL . 'simpl.php'); - Connect to the database
// Make the DB Connection
$db = new DB;
$db->Connect(); - Use the $_SESSION super global just as you normally would and PHPSimpl does all the work for you.
Simpl and the $db object to all the hard work of redirecting the session data and pulling it from the database. No need to call a session_start() or even interact with the session table.
If you are interested in what the Session class looks like here is the source code: